W3B Project Management Overview

July 07, 2016

W3B Management Solutions offers you a fully comprehensive and customizable business system. It includes three business modules: CRM/Sales, Project Management and Online Invoicing.

Project Management section is a full circle business system that integrates customers, projects, tasks and invoicing among many other details and aspects.



First screen that you will see after login is the dashboard. Dashboard is fully manageable by you, you chose what widgets to be visible and in what position. For this video, we chose to have Opportunities funnel, Projects funnel, Tasks and Projects.


When you are using the Project Management module, the first step taken, should be to add a New Project. This can be done in the ‘My projects’ section. This is where you’ll find all open projects.
Projects are filtered by the customers and status. To start a new project, just simply click on ‘Add Project’ and fill out the fields. Some of the fields are required which contain the project settings, while others are fully customizable, just add your own if the template doesn’t fit your needs.


Assemble a team that you can assign for this project. On the interface itself where you add the project, you have to make associations, such as adding the employee’s name that will be doing the project work. Those employees will work on the tasks.


Periodically, you may add and/or change the status, depending what the progress is, as well as add a Project description, resources, contract documents, or project tasks.


All these options you see under the Project screen such as Type, Status, Category, Sources, Payment Method, Payment Terms are fully manageable by you. You can add your own titles, change the colors or make them listed as default or not.


Most likely, there will be different stages for the project, so the next step(s) would be to add tasks to the particular project. This way you can split up the workload, having different people in your company or subcontractors do the work. You may add a task right on this page or by navigating to the Add task section.


Tasks can be set up as hourly tasks or flat rate ones.


Billing method is linked with the client and it tells you if this is a project that is billable or a project that is under a maintenance agreement. Depend of the Billable status, the hours will go to the billable hours report or to the hours report. Same functionality is present under the mobile application.
Milestones are optional, if you define milestones you will be able to see the project’s Gantt chart.


The personnel assigned to the tasks shall report activities under Comments and Notes or under Work Description. Comments and Notes will send notifications to all task subscribers. Work description will keep tracking of the hours and will be displayed under reports.

Other features include the notification section, which is used when a status for a task has changed. You may add (link) files, track expenses for better record keeping and add comments and notes regarding to the task at hand.

One important features here is reporting the hours worked on the particular task. As an administrator, you can define a cost per hour for each or your employee and for different type of services they perform. Those costs will then go to the billing report and you can export the reports and send them to the customer and/or generate invoices via Online Invoicing module.


Another important feature that you will not find in other Project management system, is the way you can subcontract your jobs, track the work, receive bills and pay them. Right here on the top right corner, is a button that will let the employee assigned to the tasks to create and send an invoice with his/her worked hours. You, or your company will receive these as bills and you can pay them online via PayPal / wire transfer, or offline like checks. If you are in a situation where you have jobs but not enough to hire full time employee, this functionality will become very handy.
This is how the interface looks like when someone prepare an invoice.


Those options you have for a task such as Priority, Type, Status are manageable. You can add your own titles, change the colors or make them listed as default or not.


After completing the projects, Reporting makes it easy to oversee previous tasks and task invoices. This is for example one of the reports, we called Billable Hours Report. It let you to adjust the minimum billable time and to round up and down the reported time. You can select time intervals, filter by employee or customer. Additionally, you access the IN/OUT report for the expenses.




Thank you for reading and for watching W3B Project Management video.


Try it for yourself, the system is free for one user and we will help you go over the entire W3B functionality: https://w3bcrm.biz/lp
Questions? Call us : +1 800.932.4166

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