Templates for Projects and Tasks
“I am going to go ahead and create a project template project for each of our account managers so that they can simply start a new project by duplicating the template and then filling it out from there. I estimate the utilizing a project template eliminates about 50% of the project set-up time in W3B for each project. W3B Client”
This is a new feature for projects and tasks. It helps you to save time when set-up projects and tasks.
Instead of having a “templates” section, you can actually use any of your projects as templates.
If none of your projects can be used as templates and you need a new and special one, you will simply add a project and name it “Template – Project Name”. Then you will add tasks with descriptions, subscribers, dates, etc. Then you use it as a template.
Step by step guide
1. Add a project and project’s tasks. It will be our first template!
See the screen below.
We added the project ‘Fundraising campaign’ and the three tasks.
Let’s suppose you or your company have standard projects and task for any campaign you start. Like in this example, we added the name, category, manager, type, associated employees, their hourly costs, e.t.c. and then we added three tasks.
Now, we have a template defined. You can even call the project “Template Fundraising campaign”.
2. Simply duplicate the project!
Click on the project name and choose Duplicate with Tasks. Done!
Now, you will have a new project, identically with the first one.
With this feature, you just saved the time of adding the project from scratch and also the time to adding the tasks from scratch!
This is the duplicated project. See that all informations were moved over and the three tasks are added as well. What you will do next is to double check the dates (you may want different start/end dates for the project) and eventually change the project name. For your convenience we will add a “Copy – ” in front of the project. Then you will know that is a new project created from a project/template.
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