Send PDF Invoice by email with Web3Box CRM
Our Invoicing system is an extremely handy tool to use. You can track expenses, create, edit, print, send and pay invoices. A variety of features within one CRM. A real simple and easy way to send invoices is through the email feature.
When you are ready to send and an invoice to a customer, navigate to ‘Invoice Automation’, then ‘Manage Invoices’.
Now you are in the View Invoice interface. From here, click on the invoice and choose ‘Edit’.
Send this invoice by pressing the ‘Email’ on the top right. Invoices can be emailed to one or more emails from your client organization. Once you type in more emails, each email is saved and associated with that particular client (will be remembered next time when you send the next invoice).
The customer will now receive the email with the invoice. This contains the company name, the invoice number, a personal message you may have added, the total amount for the invoice and the email signature that is taken from the CRM. Accepted payment methods will be included. For payments via PayPal or CC, the client will simply click on the links and complete the payment. Once a payment is made, the CRM will know and will mark the invoice as Paid.
When the customers open their email, they will see the following:
On the bottom of the email the customer can download a PDF version of this invoice for their convenience.
Online Invoice module is included in any of the Web3Box CRM packages.
Note: in a case where you are using QuickBooks, we have the system in place; it will retrieve all your Customers, Contacts and Invoices from QB.