Overview of the Project Management section of the Web3Box CRM

May 29, 2015

In this video & article we go over the entire project management system.

We will showcase how to:

1) Add Projects
2) Add Tasks
3) Create Invoices for Tasks
4) Submit Invoices for Tasks
5) Send Invoices for Projects

First, go to Project Management and My projects. This is where you’ll find all open projects.
They are filtered by the customers and status.
Let’s say we start a new project, just simply click on Add Project and fill out the fields.

Project Management - Add New Project

Project Management – Add New Project

You can see some fields are required, just like we mentioned in earlier videos. These fields contain the project settings.
Below this section is where you choose your team who will do the work on the projects.
When you select one and press Add employee, it will show up on the right hand side of the screen. You can also get additional details of each team member by clicking on the name and selecting ‘Types of service’.

Project Management - Assign Employees and Type of Service

Project Management – Assign Employees and Type of Service

Underneath this section you may add a Project description, Project resources, Contract documents and Related Project tasks.

Now, let’s move on to tasks. You can add a new task right here on this page with the Add task function or by going to the View tasks.
Here, on the left side of the screen you can expand ongoing tasks. Filter them on the top by Employee and Status. You can also navigate to View and Edit Tasks as well to check your Tasks calendar.

 Project Management - View & Edit Tasks

Project Management – View & Edit Tasks

Our first task here is an hourly task that we have set up, the second one we are charging a flat rate.
When we select one, this is where you would set up the different billing methods, after filling out the fields on this screen.
On the bottom of this page is where you will report the hours worked on the particular task.
The top right here is the notification section, which is used when a status for a task has changed. The other sections here are used to Link files, Add expenses, Comment and Notes regarding the task at hand.

Project Management - Submit Reported Hours

Project Management – Submit Reported Hours

Now, in order for your team members to send an invoice, click on the Invoice icon on the top right. This will navigate you to the Task manager invoices page. We are going invoice the ‘X’ hours we reported by pressing the ‘plus’ icon.
Details about the task will be moved to the right.

Project Management - Create Invoice

Project Management – Create Invoice

Hit ‘Submit Invoice’ on the top and it will be moved down to the ‘Unpaid invoices’ section. You can check details about the invoice and additionally edit and delete it.

Project Management - View & Submit Invoice

Project Management – View & Submit Invoice

This how your team members can submit invoices for the work they performed.

Once an invoice is submitted it becomes available to be paid. To make a payment, click on the ‘Admin Task manager bills’. You can either pay with a check or with PayPal.

When it’s time to send the invoice for this project to your customer, go to ‘Invoice Automation’ and select ‘Manage Invoices’. Click on the line and press edit.

Project Management Payments

Project Management Payments

Make sure everything is correct on the page. Before sending you can have a preview of the invoice by clicking on the Preview or Print option on the top right.

Project Management Print Invoice

Project Management Print Invoice

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