W3B login form is https://www.w3bcrm.com/. Type your email and your password. You received a password when you registered or you administrator created one for you. Next time when you login email and password will be pre populated. This is coming handy when you login again.
Recover Password
W3B recover password screen is https://www.w3bcrm.com/. Click on “Recover Password” tab and type in your email address. Check your email, look for “Account Recovery” subject. Email contains a password generated by the system. Use that password to login in. Next, go to Personal Information page and use Change Password form to enter your desired password.
Change Password
You can easy change your password. Click on Personal Info link. Under Change Password section, type in your existing password and then the new password. Press Apply button to save the change.
Log Out
To logout, click on the arrow next to your avatar, then click on Log Out link.
Employees screen where you set the login
Your login can be created by your administrator. Email and Password are entered in the employee screen. To edit login credentials, click on the employee name and choose Edit action.
Login / Set Inactive
If an employee has the status inactive, that employee cannot login. To set an employee inactive, click on his name and choose “Set Inactive”. To activate an inactive employee, from the View Inactive screen choose “Set Active” action.