Web3Box CRM – Territory Management
If you are a company that has employees with customers and clients spread throughout the country, then the following article may be beneficial for you. A great visual feature has been added to the CRM, regarding territories. The setup takes just a few minutes, following these simple steps. To define ‘Territory rules’, you must first define territories. To do this, just go to ‘Territory Management’.
To help you better understand, watch the video below.
Once, you’ve done that , you will select the ‘Territory Rules’ tab on this screen to continue with the process.
When you click on a state, all counties are preselected with their zip codes. Press ‘Save’ on the top right corner of the page to finalize your changes.
If you navigate back to the ‘Territories’ page and click on the map, you’ll have a great visual representation of your employees’ managed areas.
You can view each area, that has been previously defined.
Additionally, you can zoom in and uncheck a certain area on the bottom to hide a particular territory, just to help you with your viewing experience.
All this, and other fun and helpful features that come with your Web3Box CRM!
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